Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Turn the Page... Tuesday, September 2010

Did I say I'd have more time to read in August?  Yes... because I thought I'd have finished the baby blanket by then.  Well, I was wrong.  I just finished the blanket this weekend.  So, now the fall reading can begin - that is, unless I find myself a new project to distract me.

I'm only a little further into River Horse (by William Least-Heat Moon) from where I was last month.  I started to getting into the meat of "the journey across America by boat"... but then I  got distracted.

I'm also working on reading Three Cups of Tea by Greg Mortenson & David Oliver Relin to read for the October meeting of Book Club.  I'm 1/3 into this one, as well - Greg has recovered from his climbing mishap and is now on a mission to help poor, rural children of Pakistan get an education.  So far, so good.

Photo from ThreeCupsofTea.com

BUT, ya know what?
I have a confession to make.

I feel like I'm chasing book club selections and not sitting down to read one book at a time.  I'm rushing through the books to try to "keep up" with the club.  When I rush, I can't enjoy myself or the story.

SO... here's my plan.
I'm going to finish Three Cups of Tea before I move any further with River Horse (or any other book). 
I'm also going to stop reading any book that I don't find interesting or compelling.
I'm not going to force myself to read a book just because my Book Club is reading it.

I'm a slow reader.  I want to enjoy what I read and not feel like it's an "assignment".

I hope I will have meaningful contributions to 'TTP... T' in future months.  Sadly, today, I don't have much to give.  I need to wait till I'm done to comment on these stories.

Hope you enjoyed your reading this summer.  Please visit Some of a Kind to see what others are reading... then play along!


Paula said...

Good for you! I so agree. I was reading an article, I think in an Oprah magazine, about good books that are out. At the end of the article there was a little checklist. One of the items on it was to give yourself permission to NOT continue reading any book that doesn't grab your attention. I like that bit of advise. It's ok to not read everything!

Adrienne said...

I read 3 Cups and really enjoyed it - I think you will to. A great place to start with you new plan ;-) I'm the same way when it comes to books - sometimes it's so hard to but a book down even if it's bad ... kinda like a double fudge brownie ;-)

Debi said...

I cannot read two books at the same time. I've tried... had one at home and one at work to read on my lunch break. I kept mixing up the plots! I've been wanting to read 3 Cups...