Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Getting in shape during the "dark season"

I love to come home from work, throw the dogs in the truck and head out to the park for a nice evening walk.
Well, nowadays, it's getting dark around 5:00-5:30, so this isn't happening.

BUT, I also need to keep exercising (stopping would be very very bad). So, I've signed up for the Hundred Pushups Training Program! I also recruited the hubby, so we have each other to keep the motivation (and participation) up.

It's a 3-day per week program... Monday was day 1. WOW, am I sore. BUT, I already feel stronger (even with this darned headcold!) and know this will be very good for me. It's funny... we took a "pretest" before starting the program to find out which level we're at. I was thinking - OH, I can easily do 5 (standard) pushups. NO! I struggled to get 3 complete (well formed) pushups. So, I've resorted to the "alternate" pushups - the ones where you are on your knees. I figure, I start this way and gradually increase intensity to the standard pushups, if possible.

We'll see. Thinking I might be able to complete 100 of these things (IN A ROW) at the end of 6 weeks is daunting, but I'm ready to try. I'll keep ya posted!

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