I also get to introduce people to places THEY've never seen before, too, through the caches I hide.
Today, I was doing a maintenance run on three of my newest caches - to get them ready for winter. Inside one of them was a Geocoin. The coin was one of DarrylW4 and Firefly03's coins. Had I found this coin a few weeks ago I might not have noticed anything special about it. But today I DID!
Why? You might ask? Well, DarrylW4 and Firefly03 are podcasters. They host a couple shows that I recently started listening to - Cache-a-maniacs and Cachers of the Round Table. I've only heard one Co/t RT, but I've become addicted to Cache-a-maniacs. In this podcast, they interview cachers every week... getting to know them and why they cache. It's cool to hear stories of these folks and see how alike or different we are, as cachers. I often learn a few things from seasoned cachers from the interviews, too.
I think I've listened to 5-6 CAM podcasts thus far... looking forward for more to come (and back-tracking a bit, too). Click on the button below for more info.

Thanks for the show!
- TotalNRG
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