I mentioned in an earlier post that I am a HUGE audiobook "reader". I gobble them up at the rate of about one every week. I love those that give an interesting story but don't require super-focus or concentration seeing as how I'm driving & listening at the same time (and I try to be a good driver).
So, I've run through the published works (getting expensive!) and so went on iTunes to see what might be available for free. Low and behold... it's a gigantic treasure trove of Podcast Novels! Below is a list of works I've "read" and would definitely recommend. I'll go into detail about these novels sometime soon, but now I only have a few minutes before I have to go grocery shopping.
My very first Podcast Novel was "Murder at Avadon Hill". This novel deserves special mention because it's still a "work in progress". You see, I didn't realize when I first downloaded it that it wasn't finished. I assumed that everything on iTunes was a complete set. Nope not MAAH. PJ Holyfield records when he can (he sounds like a busy guy), so installments come every week to two-weeks to month. I'm lovign the story, tho, so I'll wait.
Waiting is tough for me... so I have since downloaded a bunch of other stories to keep me preoccupied. Here's the rest of the list, with links, so anyone who reads this blog can learn more.
- The Heaven Series (I-IV) by Mur Lafferty
- Chasing the Bard by Philippa Balentine ** AMAZING Story, one of my favorite works of fantasy - I liked it so much, I bought the book!!!
- Playing for Keeps by Mur Lafferty - VERY FUN not-so-super superhero novel
- Space Casey by Christiana Ellis
I hope to have more in-depth info on all of these where I talk about my thoughts, feelings, etc about the books, but for now, we all have to wait. I have to go get milk.
Blog at ya soon,
- Jill
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Monday, October 20, 2008
12-of-12: October 2008

Sunday, October 12th - Day THREE of our long weekend... we spent every day "leaf peeping" as the locals say. Leaf Peepers are (usually) the city folks who head out to the country to see the amazing colors of the leaves.
The pictures were taken in Cherry Creek, NY, USA (a tiny town about 60 miles south of Buffalo, NY). We left the house at Noon and got home around 6pm... my shots are from somewhere in that time-range.
Click on this LINK to see the full 12-of-12 set.
- Jill
New fun stuff: 12-of-12
Today is October 20th. Earlier this month I participated in the 12-of-12 for the first time.
What is the 12-of-12 you ask? I don't know the whole story (will post when I do), but from my POV, I learned about it from PodCacher. They, from what I understand, "borrowed" the concept from a blogger named Chad Darnell. He's the originator of the 12-of-12.
Soooo... what IS the 12-of 12, Jill?!
Twelve photos
taken on the 12th day
of each month.
Neat concept, eh?
I love photography, so I hope to participate each month. I think my major hang-up will be that I want creative photos for each month.... and some of my 12ths are pretty boring.
I guess we'll see.
- Jill
What is the 12-of-12 you ask? I don't know the whole story (will post when I do), but from my POV, I learned about it from PodCacher. They, from what I understand, "borrowed" the concept from a blogger named Chad Darnell. He's the originator of the 12-of-12.
Soooo... what IS the 12-of 12, Jill?!
Twelve photos
taken on the 12th day
of each month.
Neat concept, eh?
I love photography, so I hope to participate each month. I think my major hang-up will be that I want creative photos for each month.... and some of my 12ths are pretty boring.
I guess we'll see.
- Jill
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Newest Podcast
Okay, so by now you likely know that I really enjoy Geocaching. It's true. I love it! I get to spend time with my family, I get great exercise (walking/hiking outside!), AND I am often introduced to places I may never have know about without being involved in this sport/game/hobby - obsession!
I also get to introduce people to places THEY've never seen before, too, through the caches I hide.
Today, I was doing a maintenance run on three of my newest caches - to get them ready for winter. Inside one of them was a Geocoin. The coin was one of DarrylW4 and Firefly03's coins. Had I found this coin a few weeks ago I might not have noticed anything special about it. But today I DID!
Why? You might ask? Well, DarrylW4 and Firefly03 are podcasters. They host a couple shows that I recently started listening to - Cache-a-maniacs and Cachers of the Round Table. I've only heard one Co/t RT, but I've become addicted to Cache-a-maniacs. In this podcast, they interview cachers every week... getting to know them and why they cache. It's cool to hear stories of these folks and see how alike or different we are, as cachers. I often learn a few things from seasoned cachers from the interviews, too.
I think I've listened to 5-6 CAM podcasts thus far... looking forward for more to come (and back-tracking a bit, too). Click on the button below for more info.

Thanks for the show!
- TotalNRG
I also get to introduce people to places THEY've never seen before, too, through the caches I hide.
Today, I was doing a maintenance run on three of my newest caches - to get them ready for winter. Inside one of them was a Geocoin. The coin was one of DarrylW4 and Firefly03's coins. Had I found this coin a few weeks ago I might not have noticed anything special about it. But today I DID!
Why? You might ask? Well, DarrylW4 and Firefly03 are podcasters. They host a couple shows that I recently started listening to - Cache-a-maniacs and Cachers of the Round Table. I've only heard one Co/t RT, but I've become addicted to Cache-a-maniacs. In this podcast, they interview cachers every week... getting to know them and why they cache. It's cool to hear stories of these folks and see how alike or different we are, as cachers. I often learn a few things from seasoned cachers from the interviews, too.
I think I've listened to 5-6 CAM podcasts thus far... looking forward for more to come (and back-tracking a bit, too). Click on the button below for more info.

Thanks for the show!
- TotalNRG
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Favorite Podcast
I hate to say I have a favorite - every Podcast I listen to is cool/unique in it's own way - but one stands out as great in so many ways. Before I post which Podcast it is, let me tell you WHY it's my favorite.
First - Content. These guys really put together a nice show. Every week there is something new, something entertaining, or teaches me something I didn't know before I listened. The shows go by very quickly, leaving me bummed 'cuz I have to wait another week (usually) for the next show.
Second - Quality. Sound, music, lead-ins, organization. Everything is top-notch. From listening to podcasts for almost a year now (gobbling up 6-8 hours of content every day!) I have heard the best to the worst of podcasts. These guys really deliver on the quality side!
Finally - FUN. I am in on the fun with this show. Now, granted, not all the podcasts I listen to are aimed at being fun (medical ed, for example - not fun), but this one is. They sound like they're having fun putting the show together, they want their listeners to have fun, and they want their listeners involved. I love it!
Okay, okay... so who are these awesome, groovy, cool (and good-looking) podcasters??
Sonny & Sandy (of Sunny San Diego, CA) of PodCacher!
They do a show all about Geocaching. As they like to say, the show gives the listener:
Geocaching News Tips and Tricks Tools of the trade Interviews Opinions … lots of opinions Cache stories and experiences "Live" on-the-field tours and hunts
Check out their show by clicking the icon above or clicking here to learn more. Or, you can find them on iTunes.
After you listen once or twice, then get up and go find an ammo can in the woods... it could change your life!
Thanks, Sonny, Sandy (& Sean)! Keep up the good work!
- TotalNRG
First - Content. These guys really put together a nice show. Every week there is something new, something entertaining, or teaches me something I didn't know before I listened. The shows go by very quickly, leaving me bummed 'cuz I have to wait another week (usually) for the next show.
Second - Quality. Sound, music, lead-ins, organization. Everything is top-notch. From listening to podcasts for almost a year now (gobbling up 6-8 hours of content every day!) I have heard the best to the worst of podcasts. These guys really deliver on the quality side!
Finally - FUN. I am in on the fun with this show. Now, granted, not all the podcasts I listen to are aimed at being fun (medical ed, for example - not fun), but this one is. They sound like they're having fun putting the show together, they want their listeners to have fun, and they want their listeners involved. I love it!
Okay, okay... so who are these awesome, groovy, cool (and good-looking) podcasters??
Sonny & Sandy (of Sunny San Diego, CA) of PodCacher!
They do a show all about Geocaching. As they like to say, the show gives the listener:

After you listen once or twice, then get up and go find an ammo can in the woods... it could change your life!
Thanks, Sonny, Sandy (& Sean)! Keep up the good work!
- TotalNRG
Saturday, October 11, 2008
I've decided! (I know... finally!)
Here's the story behind my 1st Podcast Download:
It's January 2008. I have to go back to work after a nice holiday break. I've loaded the iPod up with a TON of music, but I still have quite a bit of space remaining. The hubby suggests I try to find a podcast or two. At this point, I'm totally overwhelmed with the idea of narrowing down the MILLIONS of podcasts out there to one or two that I might enjoy and might want to subscribe to. He suggests I do a search for something I enjoy... Geocaching. What's geocaching, you ask? Follow this link to learn more (or post a comment and I'll get back to you).
So I searched in iTunes for "Geocaching" and up pops Icenrye's Geocaching Videozine! Now, you have to remember... I'm totally new at this whole podcast thing... and even though I see "Videozine", I assume I can get the full effect just by listening.
- After all, I can't drive and watch a video at the same time, right?!

Well, I was wrong (about getting the full effect just by listening). I tried to listen while on the road and failed miserably. I then took some time during a break to watch the show and it was WELL worth it. Icenrye does a great job - with his adorable co-host, Roxi, and cameraman, Able - talking about the sport/hobby/obsession of Geocaching, technology and much, much more.
Icenrye just got back from "summer vacation" where he spent the majority of his time working Agility with the pups - I sure have missed the videozine and am glad they're back - with NEW things! I look forward to the Daily Find, this should be a great addition to the show.
Thanks, Icenrye!! Keep up the good work.
- TotalNRG
Here's the story behind my 1st Podcast Download:
It's January 2008. I have to go back to work after a nice holiday break. I've loaded the iPod up with a TON of music, but I still have quite a bit of space remaining. The hubby suggests I try to find a podcast or two. At this point, I'm totally overwhelmed with the idea of narrowing down the MILLIONS of podcasts out there to one or two that I might enjoy and might want to subscribe to. He suggests I do a search for something I enjoy... Geocaching. What's geocaching, you ask? Follow this link to learn more (or post a comment and I'll get back to you).
So I searched in iTunes for "Geocaching" and up pops Icenrye's Geocaching Videozine! Now, you have to remember... I'm totally new at this whole podcast thing... and even though I see "Videozine", I assume I can get the full effect just by listening.
- After all, I can't drive and watch a video at the same time, right?!

Well, I was wrong (about getting the full effect just by listening). I tried to listen while on the road and failed miserably. I then took some time during a break to watch the show and it was WELL worth it. Icenrye does a great job - with his adorable co-host, Roxi, and cameraman, Able - talking about the sport/hobby/obsession of Geocaching, technology and much, much more.
Icenrye just got back from "summer vacation" where he spent the majority of his time working Agility with the pups - I sure have missed the videozine and am glad they're back - with NEW things! I look forward to the Daily Find, this should be a great addition to the show.
Thanks, Icenrye!! Keep up the good work.
- TotalNRG
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Ready... Get Set...
I want to GO... but I don't know where to start.
I'm currently listening to about 20 different Podcasts... most of them weekly newscasts. I'm not sure if I want to start with my favorite or my first or just pick one at random. I know I'm NOT interested in doing this alphabetically.... that's not me.
Going to give this a little more thought. Maybe tonight (since it's raining and I can't walk the pups) I'll jump back on the blog and FINALLY start.
See ya in a bit!
I'm currently listening to about 20 different Podcasts... most of them weekly newscasts. I'm not sure if I want to start with my favorite or my first or just pick one at random. I know I'm NOT interested in doing this alphabetically.... that's not me.
Going to give this a little more thought. Maybe tonight (since it's raining and I can't walk the pups) I'll jump back on the blog and FINALLY start.
See ya in a bit!
Monday, October 6, 2008
New Blog
I drive a lot for work... a LOT!
With all this "windshield time" I like to do more than just listen to the radio. In fact, many times the radio is frustrating because of the distance I travel; I lose the station's signal and have to search for another.
So, at first, I was listening to books on CD. That was okay, but it meant spending LOTS of money on new CDs or many trips to the library (sometimes not finding a selection I wanted and having to wait for my order to come in).
Last year, for Christmas, my wonderful hubby bought me an iPod... 60 GB of storage! Whew! This is when I discovered Podcasts. WHAT A WONDERFUL INVENTION! Now I can listen to books, medical information seminars, humorous stories, you name it. Better yet, they're FREE!!!
Today, I decided to keep a bit of a journal of the Podcasts I listen to... I'm not exactly sure why - whether it's for my own edification or for others. Dunno. And who knows, maybe this will be something that grows into something bigger or fizzles and fails. We'll see.
For now, this is the intro to my new blog. I hope to post my first "real" entry in the next couple days. Unfortunately now, the dogs need me and I have to get to the grocery store. Bye!
With all this "windshield time" I like to do more than just listen to the radio. In fact, many times the radio is frustrating because of the distance I travel; I lose the station's signal and have to search for another.
So, at first, I was listening to books on CD. That was okay, but it meant spending LOTS of money on new CDs or many trips to the library (sometimes not finding a selection I wanted and having to wait for my order to come in).
Last year, for Christmas, my wonderful hubby bought me an iPod... 60 GB of storage! Whew! This is when I discovered Podcasts. WHAT A WONDERFUL INVENTION! Now I can listen to books, medical information seminars, humorous stories, you name it. Better yet, they're FREE!!!
Today, I decided to keep a bit of a journal of the Podcasts I listen to... I'm not exactly sure why - whether it's for my own edification or for others. Dunno. And who knows, maybe this will be something that grows into something bigger or fizzles and fails. We'll see.
For now, this is the intro to my new blog. I hope to post my first "real" entry in the next couple days. Unfortunately now, the dogs need me and I have to get to the grocery store. Bye!
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